Module 3: History
Part 14: History - Optimistic Closure
This module has highlighted themes and events from U. S. history. How and what history is taught depends on various factors, including textbooks used, teacher views, school/district curricula, and regional influences. While some events may not be taught, they are no less part of history than what is found in history classes across the country.
Consider the points in the document as you reflect on historical themes and events.
After you reflect on Module 3, proceed to the Module 4: Biases, Stereotypes, and Aggressions.
Consider the points in the document as you reflect on historical themes and events.
After you reflect on Module 3, proceed to the Module 4: Biases, Stereotypes, and Aggressions.
&1: History Optimistic Closure
This module highlighted various events and themes from United States history. Reflect on the information you learned or reviewed. Use the following questions to help you consider what you have learned and what you will do moving forward.
The next module will explore biases, stereotypes, and aggressions and their role in racism. Understanding these ideas can bring awareness to our actions and the impacts of these actions.
- What did you learn about history that you may not have known before? Why do you think you did not learn about this sooner?
- What have you learned that has changed your thinking?
- What have you learned or realized in this process that you would like to celebrate and build on?
- How could you use what you have learned about history that may change your understanding of society?
The next module will explore biases, stereotypes, and aggressions and their role in racism. Understanding these ideas can bring awareness to our actions and the impacts of these actions.