Step 4
Part 1 Assessment: The Muddiest Point
Review all that you have learned from reading the articles and looking at the "Family Album" of space vehicles. Using your one pager and your "OWL" chart, review and record what have you learned. Complete these sections independently.
After completing the "W" and "L" sections of your "OWL" chart, discuss your "wonder abouts" and "learning" with your group members.
After your discussion, complete the "muddiest point" section of the "OWL" chart page independently. Complete this section by reviewing the information, reflecting on your observations and learning, and then writing what is the most confusing part of your learning so far.
Answer these questions: Why do you think this is confusing? Where would you find more information to help clarify your confusion?
Review all that you have learned from reading the articles and looking at the "Family Album" of space vehicles. Using your one pager and your "OWL" chart, review and record what have you learned. Complete these sections independently.
After completing the "W" and "L" sections of your "OWL" chart, discuss your "wonder abouts" and "learning" with your group members.
After your discussion, complete the "muddiest point" section of the "OWL" chart page independently. Complete this section by reviewing the information, reflecting on your observations and learning, and then writing what is the most confusing part of your learning so far.
Answer these questions: Why do you think this is confusing? Where would you find more information to help clarify your confusion?